He is 82 had 2 hip replacements and 2 knee replacements he uses a cane and is very afraid of falling. He will hardly go outside I have a good walker with bench and wheels. I have to force him to go outside just to sit in the sun. He has the starts of dementia/Alzheimer’s when he can see his dr again she is going to start testing him. I need help not sure how to get him to wash I think he just stands in the shower.
He most likely needs an aide to assist him. Call Council on Aging in your area. I am not sure if help is available for him during this crisis.
Do you have safety bars installed for him? Or what about sponge baths? Others will offer some suggestions too.
Best wishes to you and your family.
thank you so much
Here's a link: https://www.amazon.com/Womens-Barefoot-Diving-Sports-Walking/dp/B07MVYXZJV/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&aaxitk=BMR5wHpZsVyis6q1F96zYg&hsa_cr_id=2654675690201&ref_=sb_s_sparkle
*The link says 'womens' but the actual site shows Men's
If he feels safe in the shower, and has a seat to sit on, and if you get him one of those sponge things and some shower gel that makes a lot of suds, maybe then he will wash himself. Maybe not, but maybe. When dementia is involved, even in the beginning stages, all bets are off.
Like NeedHelpWithMom said, if you can hire someone to help him shower, or, if you or your DH can help him (if he will allow such a thing), that might be a good idea too. Otherwise, at least he's standing in the water, which is more than a LOT of them are even willing to do........so be grateful for small favors, huh? :)
Best of luck!