
I was 11 years old when I started to take care of my grandmother and grandfather. Me and my mom came over a lot to help them. She would take them back and forth to the hospital, to the store. We were very close.. When I turned 13 years old we officially moved in with at her. And of course being young I did not want to give my life up to take care of her.. but overtime I started to fall in love with helping them. My grandfather wouldn’t allow anyone else to help him but me. Though he was a stubborn man we still built a loving relationship. Sadly 4 years later he passed away.. I was heart broken but still I had my grandmother to take care of. God was preparing for a beautiful and wonderful season where I would learn great patience endurance love and kindness. After graduating from high school I made the decision to take year off and help my mother take care of my grandmother. It was tough but I loved to help and the more I did I grew. 2018 I tried to apply for college.. but things didn’t go well and instead i decided to continue to take care of my grandmother with my mother.. During those years I have my life to Jesus Christ and no matter how many times I applied for a Job I could never get one. It was then the lord told me to stay home and help my mom take care of my grandmother. I was uncertain about the future.. but God taught me to rely on his provision and to place my life in his hands. It wasn’t easy.. my grandmother had a stroke and later became bedridden. So much more work had to be done.. and even though I had my uncertainties God surprised me by giving me his strength. He blessed us beyond what we could ever ask for. We had a tough time.. with family. The house it not in the best state due to age.. there were times we couldn’t really eat instead made sure my grandmother was fed. But through it all God kept us. He took us through..

These past 3 years I had to take on majority of my grandmothers care.. it was very frustrating at times exhausting. But I’ll never forget her smiles the way she looked at me as I cleaned as though her eyes spoke of how much she appreciated my help. There were times I felt like walking away.. but because of the love of Christ through me.. and his grace I was able to continue to push through. It’s been 12 years. Now I’m 23 years old now. I’ll never ever regret taking care of her. She was the best grandmother ever. She always went out of her way to take care of her family. She was sweet and kind and the best seamstress too..
The last time I saw her alive was New Years.. she slept peacefully
To all young caregivers.. I know that life seems uncertain when doing this.. But I encourage you through it all trust in the lord. He has always provided for me and comforted me all these years.. without him I would have been able to do this at all. He is my strength and I know that if you trust In him he will be your strength too.. Some of us can’t get out of taking care of our parents but believe that when we trust in God he will provide all that you need. Place your life in Gods hands. He is the author and finisher of our lives therefore you can trust in him with your life. You can trust that whatever he has planned for you it will be a wonderful thing.

thank you all for your support everyone..

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Petra, I am sorry for your loss.

May The Lord continue to lead, guide and direct your path.

You were indeed blessed to have a loving, appreciative grandmother to care for.
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Bless you for sharing your caregiving journey. You are correct when you say that God is our help and strength through it all.
I hope and pray that you will now take this time to ask God what He has for you next, as it's time for you to now take care of yourself and get on with living your life apart from being a caregiver.
Although perhaps with all your caregiving experience God wants you to now go on to nursing school, so you can continue to care for His people. I don't know. But He will lead you to what He has next for you.
May God bless you and keep you, and may He make His face shine upon you.
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So sorry for your loss. You are still young so get that job and get that education. I am so glad your faith got your thru.

The problem we caregivers have is that most of us are seniors caring for Seniors. We just don't have the energy that a 23 yr old has. And some have health problems of our own that keep us from being able to physically care for another. Some of us are retired on fixed incomes. So we can't afford to care for a LO. We r at an age that we need to be worrying about our future. When I am 85 my girls won't be out of their 50s. They cannot quit work to care for me.

I am glad you look at caring for grandmom as a good experience and one that has made you a better person. But sometimes Gods tells us that its time to let someone else do the caring. I know he did me. I went to Moms AL for respite care so I could attend a wedding. Found they were having a half price sale that meant Mom could afford to live there. When money ran out, I toured some LTC facilities. The last one I toured I knew was the one when I walked thru the door. The staff loved my Mom and she was taken good care of. I am telling you this because people who have unselfishly cared for others are critical of those who have needed to place a LO. Never be critical, we all have different burdens to carry and we need to handle those burdens the best way we can for us.
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