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Please give us more information

How old are you? What is the health situation of your husband? When and why was a conservator appointed?

How long have you been married?   Why where you not appointed as conservator?   
Helpful Answer (2)

Clearly there's a whole lot more to this story, and it would help if you would share some of it. Why was a conservator appointed for a married person whose spouse is still in the picture? Why is the conservator failing to provide funds for housing for the ward? Are the funds depleted? Has the home been sold to conserve the funds? Have funds been misused or stolen? Is the conservator trying to force the ward to move to a different type of housing, or perhaps a residential care setting?

More info is needed before any advice can be given, IMO.
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Conservatorship or Guardianship since its a court ordered process has pretty precise reporting required. Something has been filed in the 4 years since your husband was made a ward. There would have been hearings you could have gone to in the past 4 years.

Most of the time judge requires the G/C to be a resident of the state or even of the county of their jurisdiction. Courts have a list of vetted & approved C/G to go to if there is not family to name to be G/C. Something in this (conservator out of state) doesn't sound right. can you do another post with the details?
Helpful Answer (2)

I thought I would get an answer or questions or at least some help from a lawyer or someone who could and would actually give us legal advice.
Instead I received questions that are irrelevant to our problems from seemingly judgemental or just nosy people who apparently think we have nothing better to do than sit around and make this stuff up. REALLY? This is sad.
I am trying to seriously protect my husband from an unscrupulous, non-profit, national organization who has done everything but what my husband has asked them to do and the state ran gency who recommended them to us who are now trying to convince a nursing home into becoming his guardian AGAINST HIS WISHES.

This conservator left him stranded in a rehab facility for over a year after he fell and broke his arm 2/14/2016. The rehab facility said he was ready to be released 4/09/2016 however, the conservator sold our home back in Virginia for 1/2 of what the tax assessments were and for cash, then secretly and quickly removed my name from our rental lease in Missouri while husband is left in rehab against his pleas to come home, a month later after I had help in place to bring him home and just 2 weeks from doing so (to the rental home here in Missouri , the conservator doesn't renew the lease so me and our beloved dogs are evicted with no support. 
We've been so traumatized psychologically since 2010 really...if we didn'the love each other so much we would have given up long ago and just died but we keep each other going. We have to. He is the most amazing man I've ever known. Since June 2012 this last conservator has financially exploited him going through 1.4 million with NOT ONE CARE OR THOUGHT ABOUT HOW THIS HAS AFFECTED HIM. THE CONSERVATOR was his daughter who the judge threw off out as his conservator for numerous abusive reasons and fidiciary breeches of a revoked POA from years earlier, she put her name on all but one of his properties, that one her daughter betrayed him instead. His daughter creaTed a Trust naming herself and her daughter beneficiaries the day after we got married. 
There are so many people perpetrating on him including his own daughter he put through medical school and gave generously to as father's will, but she lied to lawyers, courts, judges, and the state ran agency (Adult Protective Services) AND YES, we have reported abuse to them numerous times inthe beginning...they were the ones who referred us to this incompetent conservator after the daughter was found abusive in court.
So my WW2 veteran husband sits and suffers in silence daily while being stripped of his rights, all his money in his estate by organizations that NO ONE SUSPECTS in this, OUR "American dream" of a country.
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FrankVictoria -

I'm sorry to tell you that this is a caregiver support forum, meaning we are all caregivers providing moral and emotional support to other caregivers, plus whatever information we've come across in our travels that might help other caregivers. A few of us are or were actually lawyers in our professional lives, but that's not what we're doing here. And no competent lawyer would give advice in a complicated, confusing situation without having a grasp of all the relevant facts. If we here ask a lot of questions, it's because we also don't feel we can give advice in a situation where we really don't understand what is going on.

I suggest you hire a lawyer (or several of them) to pursue your various claims. Or else find your local legal aid and see what if anything they can do to help you, or what they suggest you do. There's obviously a lot more to this story that you're not telling us, but maybe it wouldn't matter anyway. I wish you luck!
Helpful Answer (4)

Okay, here's the part you didn't want to tell us. You married a much older man with a lot of money. You may not be a golddigger but his family thinks you are and, when he became incapacitated, they were able to convince a court or two that you should not have access to his money. They sold his home and took his name off the lease of the apartment you moved into. It sounds like your option is to sue the conservator for spousal support, just as you would sue a husband who ran off and left you penniless. If they're not giving you enough to live on, sue for enough to live on. If they're not giving you enough to live in the custom you've become accustomed since marrying the rich man, sue for that. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (2)

That is so true...

Without the information...we get to make up our own story...he is mine

You and hubby got deep into the drug "scene". When the family saw that the business he built up was being blown on drugs...they went to court and had a conservator assigned. Now the conservator does allow company assets to be sold off and doesn't allow extra money for drugs. and hubby continue to blow the rent and food money on drugs and now want more money for "support" advice is to get into a drug rehab program and stay there until you are really clean and both of you are really ready to live without the drugs.

You see....without knowing the whole is impossible to offer any help at all.
Helpful Answer (2)

CarlaCB, that's pretty much the scenario I had figured out, too. (Not hard with just one look at the profile pic!). If "Victoria" doesn't come back, I think we will have gotten our answer as to what's going on!
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