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Not sure if you're aware of this group dedicated to Frontal Temporal Dementia. Very nice people, lots of information on the site.
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MissRikey, welcome and (((hugs)))).

Is it time for placement? FTP is VERY difficult to manage at home.

How many hours do you have aides coming in to help?
Helpful Answer (3)

Welcome, and HUGS too!
My husband has FTD too....early stages-about three years now.
If you could be more specific about what has become too much to handle, that would help. Out of control behaviors? Falling? How long have you been his caregiver? Any help coming in?
The anger part is pretty common when dealing with dementia-of any kind. The generalization of this can be: "I'm dealing with an adult-why are they so whacky now? It's so frustrating. This person is acting like a child." Is a common theme, and incredibly stressful for the caregiver.
There are a lot of great people here who will have lots of solid suggestions and advice.
Helpful Answer (2)

Miss Riley,

In your profile you state that you are afraid. It is completely natural to be fearful of what lies ahead. Fear of the unknown is real.

I would seek out a licensed professional therapist to discuss these emotions that you are experiencing. Nothing will ever improve if you ignore your emotions.

Consider all options for your husband’s future and select the best choice that works for each of you.
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My step-mother has it, we identified a problem around 12 years ago, simple clues. She got lost driving, would call three times in a row and say "I haven't spoken to you for awhile". Stuff like that.

Today she is in MC, she held tight for several years then the shade started to roll down.

She is a different person, more aggressive, communicates less, her gait has changed, she no longer recognizes me.

I couldn't care for her at home, over & over, round and round we go, 24/7 I would have to check myself into a home myself.

I wish you the very best, don't forget that you have a life as well.
Helpful Answer (2)

Welcome. We need more information.
Are you attempting to care for your husband at home?'
What specifically is beyond your ability now to handle?
Again, we welcome you and would like to be helpful if we can.
Helpful Answer (1)

Please get involved in a local caregiver support group in person if possible(otherwise some are on Zoom)as that is what saved me when I was caring for my late husband who had vascular dementia. There's nothing more freeing and helpful than being able to share with others who know EXACTLY what you're going through and don't judge you when you talk about losing your temper with your loved one.
I would also recommend perhaps taking him to an adult daycare center as often as you'd like(you can 5 days a week)to give yourself a break, so you can do some fun things that you enjoy, as that will help with your moods.
And then of course, educate yourself as much as you can on his disease, as that too will help you better understand where he is coming from and help you be a little more understanding and compassionate.
The key to surviving this journey you're on with your husband is to make sure that you're taking care of yourself along the way, because you matter too in this equation.
I wish you both well.
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Are you afraid of your anger or his anger. Those suffering from FTD get aggressive and violent. If he ever hits you, you need to call 911 and have him evaluated for 72 hrs for meds to help with the aggression. IMO this is the worst of the Dementias. You may not be able to care for him in your home. An elder lawyer can tell you how to protect yourself concerning splitting your assets and his split going to his care and then applying for medicaid.
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