
I'm a 24/7 caregiver so talking on the phone would be hard. I am a 24/7 caregiver for my 79 year old mother with Dementia.

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I too have a Mom with dementia. Try to remember when we were little kids and keep your sense of humor, its a must. To get through. Mom woke me 3 times today at 2 am, 3 am and 9 am. To ask me why I was in her bedroom staring at her?

Goodnight Mom I love you.
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Thank you for your post. I am stressed and "burnt out".
I think chatting with others acting for someone with dementia will help me this journey.
I cannot sleep as my " mind's eye" has me thinking way too much. I worry way too much.
Please keep in touch :-)
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I find the longer I am in this (over 2 1/2 years now) the easier it becomes to relax at night. Initially, I felt like I never slept, or if I did, it was very broken, and once I am up I am up as I begin to think of all the "what ifs" or "what on earth am I going to do's" My Mama has seemingly fallen into a positive pattern with her sleeping it seems....that may just be my situation, but she does sleep through the night and that is a blessing. Oddly it seems like Mama picks up on my moods. I don't know, but it seems if I am jittery, aggitated, upset or cranky, it makes her more so. I sing to Mama a lot and try to keep her laughing...the more she does that, the more relaxed and cheerful she is...but then Mama is just a cheerful sweet lady...but I surely am blessed that now both of us are able to sleep through the night.
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Dear New2, We are at the same place in this journey. Hugs to you. I am completely isolated in my 24/7/365 caregiving. My only social outlets are chatting with the folks at drive-through windows :( I know how hard it is to talk on the phone. I wish that my good humor had held up a little longer (caregiving for 7 years and living-in for 18 months.) I am burned-out in a big way and feel angry most days. I know it's the illness, but I just can't supply chauffeur service, meal prep, financial management, maid service *AND* full-time entertainment with a smile. It's the entertainment part that is the hardest.

I miss my husband terribly, but Mom acts like he doesn't exist. I've lost touch with friends and I believe Mom is healthier than I am. Unfortunately, she is (and has pretty much always been) all about Mom. I am trying to find a method to change my attitude, but too much is too much. I've hit a wall.
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That's what AC is all about.. Vent away!!
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I just saw that a member her "cbhillman" is in an email support group..
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If it has a paid envelope, put deceased on it and send it back to them.
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Come here often we are all demented
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I told my sister today that everyday with dad is new to him as he has no memory of the day before. This site has helped and even though my dad is in much better shape than many caregivers parents on this site it is nice to know I am not alone in my journey with my dad.
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best answer EVER .. the sense of humor. a mind is failing and the end result is the loss of a loved one. when its over youll look back and frankly all you care to remember are the times you could laugh with each other..
you just dont try to make sense of illogical stuff, itll crack your head .. you smile and let things unfold as they will -- so little actual control of things ..
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I see this line of text is a little old, but I am hoping to rekindle some support. My husband is in stage 3 dementia (frontal temporal / Lewy body). It's getting hard as I no longer have my love and companion. I feel alone out here because it seems no one really understands. I want to find someone to talk to and enjoy spending time with (not a romantic thing). Is that so wrong?
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Patti1Lynn, have you looked for local caregiver support groups? This site is great, and you have contact every day if you want it, but an in-person local support groups adds another important dimension.

By the way, neither frontal temporal nor Lewy Body dementia progresses in distinct stages. The "stages" apply mostly to Alzheimer's. So I'm not sure whether you mean that your husband has moderate symptoms, or severe symptoms.

We caregivers of spouses with dementia get a triple whammy workload. We continue to do our previous responsibilities. We take on the things formerly done by our spouses. And we have the new duties of caring for the spouse. No wonder we are tired all the time! And we are staggering from this triple whammy without the understanding and support of our life partner.

I'm sure I would have gotten through this somehow without the help of a local support group -- but I am certainly glad I didn't have to find out how!
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I am a caregiver for my 57 year old husband he was with dementia for 6 years and now we have been through it all. He doesn't sleep at nite my husband is stubborn as a bull he doesn't talk much and he touches everyrhing.still I believe that u can find time if u try I have very limited help he home and it's much different when th ed person is th out get and a man's man.but what helps is the meds but I get my time plus I hold dc own a full time job and his family is no no help at all haven't seen him in 3 years haven't called in 2 years. That's the problem. U have to g Ave time for u and everything else or as well as I know u will suffer.
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