
This individual is in a very low-rated nursing home, where staff seems indifferent. Friends and family have brought in items that have disappeared, and this person does NOT have dementia, so this is not a case of confusion. Besides speaking to the director, what might be some ways to address this?

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Unlikely any way to help, unless items can be locked to furniture.  stuff gets taken.  Very sorry.
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As well as labelling take a photo of all your possessions so you have proof of ownership, then insist that management deal with getting the items returned.

Are the thief's family aware and willing to help or are they complicit?
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ConcernedSisA Feb 2020
I'm not sure about the thief's family, but the patient's family is quite exasperated because they bring clothes and find them missing regularly!
All bed rooms in my sister's community are unlocked! this means all who are residents, staff, visitors can go into the room and take things. I have seen random people in her room most every visit. I am glad I did not bring all her stuff-I was told not to do that-could cause more confusion. After multiple complaints and submitting a list of missing clothes, pillows, blankets, shoes, the community decided to put a lock on the closet door. I even saw my sister's distinctive blanket on someone's else's lap. Told staff member I found her blanket and they retrieved from other resident. I brought it home to wash and keep here. I do not have a key to the locked closet I can not see what is missing or been returned. Shoes are missing nearly every time I go visit-I ask for them and some will go to someone else's room and get the shoes-other's can not be bothered with my request. I now keep a new pair of shoes for my sister in the car-so that if we have an appointment or want to go out-she will have shoes on her feet. All items are labeled once resident moves in this does not seem to help for laundry staff to return to my sister. We are looking to get out of this place ASAP-while noting we have been looking for more than 3 months....When we do get out I will submit a bill for all missing items and deduct from the final bill. Staff member told me that he would look for her stuff and only found one pair of jeans out of about 15 or more missing items. They also damaged her furniture -big chips and scratches on the wood when we moved in-I complain staff says because we did not have a picture of "before move" they will not accept responsibility for the damage. I will be taking a picture of every item we bring to the next place throw out all the items that have bleached and damaged and move on. -chalk the whole thing up to one huge mistake of ever going to this place. I will be filing a complaint on them for injuries, med errors, etc. when we get out of there...Last AL community was excellent at returning items even without a label....
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If it were me, I would write a letter to the admin, In this letter I would clearly state the problem, and then explain that Up to this point in time you are not getting any cooperation to resolve this.

ask for help. And clearly state that if the nursing home really is not capable of handling this, you will notify the local police and ask them to investigate. CC the State licensing board.
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I agree with taking photos and keeping date log of when items were supplied to her room. Clothing is trickier, even when labeled, they wash everyone's stuff together so not surprised if that goes missing. You can do her laundry for her to mitigate this problem. When my stepFIL passed way in a county Medicaid facility, his gold wedding ring went missing. No amount of follow-up, complaining or threats moved the needle with the admin. I think there's a poster on this site (TNtechie?) who has a lot of knowledge about installing cameras, but not sure you want to go that route, and it depends on what state you are in. I hope she can get moved to a better place soon!
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Make sure everything is in a drawer. Residents tend to walk in and pick up anything lying around. Label everything. I took a permanent marker and put Moms name inside her shoes. Socks should be labeled. I would check the roommates closet I found Moms clothes in her roommates closet. Mom had Dementia so I only took what she needed. Take pictures of clothing, glasses and hearing aids. I found Moms glasses on another resident. Write down serial numbers of any electronics. My daughter says they have to investigate missing phones so I guess tablets and laptops go with that.

Be aware that aides will use other peoples clothes to dress a resident who has none in their closet because they are still in the laundry. Some residents are poor and have no family. Their wardrobe in hand me downs. So may only have a few outfits.

Less is best. No favorite jewerly. If bring favorite goodies, just bring enough for a day or two. These I would put in a drawer.

This is the worst thing with a NH having to be on top of everything. Just remember, you want the staff to be friends not enemies so pick ur battle.
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