1 semi dementia adult while other adult is mentally stable. The caregiver distributed the meds in a weekly plastic hourly and daily case. Her next shift the med case was empty.
I have noticed the semi dementia adult fiddling with the meds but has never removed any. I wonder if he removed the meds. He can't remember.
I recommended to get a locking med box. I had a family member decide to distribute the meds in plastic baggies. Highly confusing especially with the number of the medications. Still highly unsafe and still subject to loss. Thoughts?
One person should decide what to do (set up locking pill box once a week) and stick to it.
An aide should not be handling medication. Someone else needs to do the pill planner. The aide then takes the planner to the client.
I don't think you need a locking med box unless you suspect theft. The carer responsible to dispense the meds should hide the box where the impaired LO can't find it -- and even the cognitively "stable" adult can't find it. This is because you don't know when the "stable" one starts to become impaired. You yourself stated this person "couldn't remember" if he removed the meds, so just have the distributor hide it really well from both of them. This is what I'd do.