
Mom is 85 and in need of some financial aid or care. My dad was a WWII (one of the first navy seals), he passed away left my mom a widow in 1962. Mom raised three children and later in life remarried and divorced. The VA has denied assistance and the reason because my mother had remarried. The Assisted living want to provide all kinds of services (the cost are more than she can afford) if mom does not meet nursing home requirements, than I would have to take her into my home. I cannot help mom with all her needs. What can I do? I have called for assistance, and I have been passed from the VA benefits to writing congressman to meeting with nursing home staff, I have called medicaid and I have hit dead ends everywhere, should I hire an attorney? I am lost with all the needs and fiancial burdens. I do not know what to do and it is only getting worse. Moms health is declining and I cannot provide her needs, but I am worried that I may have to do what I can until one of us dies... I love my mother very much and have been her caregiver for years but the burden and financial needs are coming to a head.... Can anyone advise me .. If mom where to live with me I am afraid it would destroy me and my marriage... what should I do... ?? A loving son...

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I would see if she can obtain any benefits under her second husband if he happened to be a veteran. She should be able to get into a nursing home under medicaid if she has spent down all her savings. I would get on the congressman's staff and your 2 US Senators to see if they can advise you of any emergency relief and they should be able to hasten her approval for medicaid. If you have any church related nursing homes see if they will take her in while you get the medicaid funding going. Assisted living facilities are profit driven and they are less likely to be helpful. Church and veteran homes tend to be more patient driven in my opinion.
If you can keep her home with help and if you think she has very limited time left (ie months vs. yrs) it might be worth attempting to keep her home. See if you can use family leave to secure your job. Some states NJ and CA have paid family leave for such situations. Most states don't have paid family leave. It isn't your full salary in most cases it could keep you afloat while you render the caregiving needs.

Ask the doctor if your mother can get hospice services. That is generally paid by medicare/medicaid and lifts some of the stress of caregiving off you while helping your mother.

I will pray for you as you make this decision. None of this is easy and as a concerned child you have been doing your best for you mother. Unfortunately we don't have lots of support for primary caregivers.

Helpful Answer (8)

If your mom is nursing home eligible (health, income and assets), oftentimes the nursing home will contact the public assistance provider in your state. Ask them. You have nothing to lose. Also, the Department of Aging and Department of Health may help. Although a moot point at this time, I cannot stress enough the importance of seeking assistance BEFORE our parents NEED it. I did this over eight years ago for my mom, and now that she needs it, it is in place. Good luck in your search. It is a very difficult, time-consuming and heart-wrenching process. My prayers are with you.
Helpful Answer (6)

Go to the Dept of Health website for your state and you will find a wealth of information, as well as phone numbers, on who and where to call for assistance. Normally nursing homes allot so many beds to be paid for by "public assistance" and a little bit of info that most people aren't aware of is that the bed count is higher for that type of payment because it is a guaranteed payment.....unlike private pay. You already know that mom's health needs are more than you are able to take care of.....and yes, the reality of the situation is that it would affect every aspect of your life and marriage if mom were to live in your household. Where does your wife stand in her willingness to assist in finding suitable care for mom? One or the both of you will have to do some footwork......make a list of nursing homes or other care facilities in your area and start making phone calls, visiting and talking with admitting personnel. You already know the VA is a dead end and waiting to hear back from a congressman or rep is a waste of time that you don't have. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (5)

Great info from Chimonger. You cannot be forced to take an elder into your home. Key words to say to social worker are "fall risk", "danger to self", ect. You have to be strong!! Of course the state would like you to take your parent home - even if it is not in the best interest of the patient - because it saves them money. Assisted living situations are profit driven and usually private institutions but they cannot put your Mother out on the streets. If you are unable to take her home then they need to start looking for placement. The information about the hospital was correct. If she is admitted inpatient they are responsible for placement if you are unable to take her home. Not to say they will not pressure you, try to put guilt on you ect... Just remember to be a broken record. Good Luck
Helpful Answer (4)

It's so sad that in our world today , info such as this can be so difficult to obtain.
It should be at the top of the list to help our elder.
Have you tried your 211 info line, your local Center for Healthy Aging, your Senior Center , Church , Social Service Dept. or your AARP branch ?
I wish I could offer more immediate help for your very urgent concern.
Helpful Answer (3)

This office can look over your VA .application paperwork (free) and let you know if the VA denial was appropriate. Check with your mom's doctor and have her seen by a geriatric specialist. Check out Hospice. I was Shocked that my mom qualified. She's had her heart condition for decades that got her admitted. There are volunteer sisters (hospice can direct you) and home health care that medicare will pay for if you qualify clinically. Again geriatric specialist and hospice companies know who these people are in your area. Our geriatric specialist became mom's primary care physician and he has social worker's right in his office.
I have no idea if he is any good, but maybe my doctor, Robert Burns in Memphis can advise you or I can ask him for a referral in your area.
Helpful Answer (3)

I live in Virginia. My husband lost his business due to his progressing Multiple Sclerosis. That was two 1/2 years ago. We left California and moved to Virginia. He has been in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities. All has been paid for by Medicare and Medicaid. He after two trips to two hospitals and a trip to the rehab facility......he is back for the third time at the rehab Golden Living Center. He is still being considered in rehab.....but we(not him)know he isn't coming home. Soon they will start taking money from his SS check but a county social worker figured it out for me and said there will be enough for me to continue paying the rent. When he dies, if that happens before I die, then I will get his SS check and not any of mine. The place he is in now, would cost $6,200 a month for a shared room if he didn't have medicare/Medicaid. I am the one that thinks he should stay in rehab forever. Every time he comes home he ends up at the hospital. Stupid. So far this year I think the hospital bills have to be close to $500,000. This country has a screwed up plan. No one can fix him and he is like a 200 lb baby. If there is money to pay to help this man there certainly must be someone who can help you with your mother. Call any county office and they will direct you to the person that can assist you. I have talked to many many people....and they have been so nice and made miracles happen for us. Good luck and I am sorry. I have 4 younger sisters and the baby took care of mom because she hated the nursing home. Living to be OLD isn't always a good thing. I see so many people at Golden Living.....that don't even know they are alive. So sad. Sorry this is so long. I am a talker :) Best wishes and prayers for you.
Helpful Answer (3)

Here in Missouri, my dad went into a nursing home. He had Medicare and less than $7,000 in savings. While in the the NH Medicare paid...up to a point. Before his Medicare was going to be cancelled (the social worker in the NH informed me that this would happen) I went to my local Medicaid office and applied for Medicaid on behalf of my dad. Certain criteria have to be met but even if your mom has a ton of dough laying around there are ways to get around that. Our social worker helped us with this as well. Medicaid for a nursing home resident is called 'vendor medicaid' and vendor medicaid applications are rarely denied. I had to jump through about a thousand hoops: tracking down this or that document, gathering information, but my caseworker at the Medicaid office was very helpful. It was a pain in the butt but we knew that Medicare would eventually drop my dad so I knew it had to be done. It took 3 months but my dad was finally approved. I got through all of this impossible red tape with a Medicaid packet and the assistance of the Medicaid caseworker, along with the facility's social worker. Now my dad's monthly income goes to the NH and Medicaid picks up the rest. And while my dad's Medicare was dropped as far as his living in a facility, he retained his Medicare coverage if he has to be hospitalized AND it covers hospice.

Good luck. It's a mess to wade through but if I can do it anyone can. :-)
Helpful Answer (3)

Try the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) in your mother's county. They have a wealth of information and knowledgeable folks waiting to help you. Every county has an ADRC office.
Helpful Answer (2)

Sorry to hear of your difficulties. I wouldn't give up on VA just yet. I was told that if a woman remarries after her Vet husband dies, by the VA, that it invalidates her ability to collect under first husband. Then my best friend's mother qualified even though she had remarried after her first husband died and #2 had no service background. The family contracted with a legal firm that specializes in VA applications. It took about a year. They were given the firm's information by an admission person at one of the assisted living facilities they looked into. She ended up in a different facility and I'm not sure how they were paid or how much but check into this with various facilities, office of aging etc. In my mother's case she would qualify but it would boost her income and make her ineligible for the services she currently has. It would make her further behind than she already is. I will reapply if she needs to leave assisted living and go to nursing home.
Helpful Answer (2)

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