My family is so filled with hate and rage. They always find everything wrong with me, my life, my house, car. I'm so scared, angry and hurt. The scapegoat that's been used finally figured out they cant love me why didn't i see it sooner. My father is truely evil. and has been since i was very little. now he has alzheimers only loved my sister (golden child) all i ever wanted was a family that loved each other. they pretend to be kind suck me in then turn on me. a constant roller coaster. They are so filled with hate and rage. always finding everything wrong with me, my life, my house, car..... my sister is perfect (reality, she is an alcoholic, on drugs, unemployed, broke, unaccomplished) they are evil. in a very sneaky way. where my father stopped hating me and insulting mother picked up and she was the only reason i have been hanging in. now i know she has no love either. is there any one out there that has an elderly parent who only talks about their money? paranoid? find things wrong alllllll the time?
Sunnygirl1 suggested boundaries. Boundaries are necessary in life, especially with dysfunctional families. There are books you can buy that can explain how to set and maintain boundaries. I read one simply called "Boundaries" and it was very helpful.
Take care of yourself.