
My sister has restricted me from seeing my mom but only on Saturdays with another person for two months now. My sister POA said I was making my mom dislike her. Now that the cnn comes she hears what my mom had always said before. My mom always talks about how mean my sister is (which is true) I would usually say something like well I can do this or that for you. Because she said the POA would not do anything for her. I want to know if that would be legal? She is as guilty as me, but I can't see my mom now, but POA can? From Arkansas. This legal system is all messed up!

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get a lawyer quickly i had the same with my sister then she got guardianship without me known then she got powers to say who my mother could consort with which means am not even allowed to see my mother, ask how she is, god for bid if my mother dies i wont even get told about it so am saying GET A LAWYER QUICKLY before you go down the same road as me i can asure you it breaks my heart every day i cant see my mother good luck xxxx
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Really, I thought the POA was only for financial and medical decisions. Never felt it gave the right to keep a child away from a mother.
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Even if you are not the POA, it's imperative that you read that persons rights and obligations to others, being family members etc.
Although my sibling refuses to divulge anything to me about my parent using the POA power over me, I've NEVER resigned myself to feeling like it's over & there's nothing I can do.
As a matter of fact, where I live, it is illegal to keep a child from their parent UNLESS my dad said that HE doesn't went to see me.
The home/facility where our parents now live have to adhere to the Demands of the POA because they're being paid by the POA for room/board etc...on a stack of Bibles, goto the home with a police officer who is versed in your situation, your loved ones situation and see what happens...I saw my dad, who tearfully "ran" into my open arms (he uses a walker but he walked as fast as I've seen him walk in years).
It's funny (not really but for lack of a better word) what happens when we as
non-POA family members can achieve with knowledge.
Read read read the rights of the POA as it adheres to your state...government Internet sites
I hope to have helped, I'm not trying to give false hope but the latter is my story or part of it anyways...
Sending bigs hugs of strength and love
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Yes, the POA has the authority because your mother GAVE her that right. My four siblings did the same to me when our mother had dementia and I wanted to visit her in the nursing home.
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JoAnn, I believe you are correct.
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Sadly, it can be very necessary to keep a child away from its mother when that child poses a threat to the vulnerable mother's financial or medical wellbeing. I do not suggest at all that that is true of this original poster or of any contributors here, but it explains why the law permits it.
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Even so, I don't think a POA gives you the right to keep another sibling away. Unless maybe the doctor/nurse (since nurses see patients more than doctors) feel a person is not good for a patient's heath. Then I guess that decision can be made between Doctor and POA. I'm lucky in that respect. One brother just lets me make the decisions with no complaints the other I keep in the loop. When all is said and done, we all will make the final decision for my Mom. TG I have an RN in the family who has worked with the elderly in a nursing home environment.
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Vicki I think I understand what you are saying. There are two POA's. One is financial and one is Medical. The Durable POA is the most powerful. I have a responsibility to my partner to assure that his money is protected and invested according to his wishes. I also have a duty to report to his doctor (after discussion with him) that this upset is not good for him. Our home is very peaceful and we like it that way. I refuse to have any relative or friend come in here and upset my partner. Be it on the phone or in person. PERIOD. As long as he is alive and capable he can make any decisions about who enters or exits his home. (including me - if he chooses to change POA's. ). He requires medical assistance and has freely signed all documents with his doctor allowing me information on his care. The Health Care POA gives HIM and I that power.

Trust me, with this family, I might as well prepare for a court room when he passes. I am not looking forward to it. It will cost them a great deal of money. I will not invest any money to defend myself. If the courts find that I was not ethical or morally correct in any of my decisions, that will be fine. I keep excellent journals on his daily care, drugs and nurse visits. I have introduced myself to all of his Investment companies and have made sure that we have in place a back up Trustee in the event that I become ill or die. I am looking out for him if I am not in the picture. Why would anyone take on this job if they could not rely on the POA's. I would be a fool. And, I know right from wrong. I am sure there are bad people out there who would take advantage of any situation, but I keep in mind my faith, my promises to care for my Sweetheart and I also keep his family in mind. In our case, his family has not been nice to him. Why would I ever submit him to this?
I am happy the courts are there for elderly when someone takes advantage of them. But, I know there are a lot of reasons you hear "she won't let me do this or that"...The whole story needs to be heard before you can possibly draw any conclusion. If Power of Attorneys are meant to be broken, what good are they?
Just my opinion.
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If a POA takes advantage of their postion, like spending Moms money for themselves, they can be sued.

When working for the Visiting Nurses I had a call from a patients son. He wanted to know if his Mom wrote one of the nurses a check. Since they were all out on rounds I couldn't answer his question. When my boss came backshe called him. He was really accusing our nurses of steeling. My boss called his mother and found out she had a friend take her to the bank to cash a check. Boss called son and told him. Also told him the POA didn't keep his Mom from spending her money. I guess he had gotten strict with her money when she allowed him a POA.
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Correction. Having lived this myself, I know that an adult child/children who possess a power of attorney from their parent can in fact act in ALL capacities of that power of attorney giving them carte blanche in ALL matters if it so states. Those of you who have not had ugly siblings keep you from your dementia mother have no idea how hurtful that was and to this day I do not speak to any of them for that very reason. When I was permitted to see her, I kept her alive longer by feeding her, and when she died, the nursing home called me first even though my sister had power of attorney and she was supposed to have been called first. I then let her know at 5:30 a.m. You cannot break a POA unless the person who signed it rescinds it. Period. AND they have to be competent.
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