
When my father died in 2013 we took my mom to live with us when we lived in California. She spent over 1 year with us and then she become nasty. I used my credit to get her an apartment because my siblings refused to help. I then sent her to her sisters in Mexico where she spent 9 months and was nasty to her family. She was then sent back to California by family members and then my two sisters sent her without my knowledge to Oklahoma where I reside. We had to get an apartment because of my mother since at the time we lived with our son. My mother has Alzhiemer's Demntia, Schizorphrenia, bi-polar, Paranora, etc. She is nasty and needs to leave. Her other three children who reside in California don't want her. We tried a Nursing home in Oklahoma and had to remove her due to not being able to get Medicaid even though all she has is Social Security and nothing else. One of her children Quick Claim Deeded her house to herself. What can I do. I had breast cancer 5 years ago and don't need this stress. Can I send her back to California on a plane and force one of them to take her. Basically, we took care of her on and off for 4 years now.

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I think it's time for some assistance from an elder care attorney with Medicaid experience to help find a placement for her. Perhaps being bounced around between family members is contributing to her hostility, as well as the mental issues.

As to the fraud when someone quit (not quick) claimed the house to herself, get all the documentation you can. Go first to the local county Register of Deeds or equivalent department that records real property transactions. Gather copies of your mother's signature, even if it is compromised by age and health issues.

Then go to the local PD and ask about pursuing fraud charges. Also contact the governmental elder care agency for the state in which the property is located, in which the offending sibling lives, and get more advice on how to pursue fraud.

With no assets other than a house which was allegedly fraudulently taken from her, your mother should qualify for Medicaid. That's why you need an attorney with experience in Medicaid qualification to help guide you through the process.

You could also raise the fraud issue with the elder care attorney.

I think it's time to spend more time finding a place that will take care of your mother w/o the support of the siblings instead of passing her off from one sibling to another.
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GardenArtist has given you excellent advice. Please do not send your mother off to people who are not able to care for her. Pursue getting her qualified for Medicaid with the help of a lawyer. That may get the person who took her house in trouble, but your mother deserves adequate care.
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First, you report the quit claim deed, as a crime, because that is a criminal act to exert undue influence on an incapacitated person. Report it in the county where the house is deeded.
Then you have her admitted to a hospital when she is out of control. Make it clear to them you cannot take her back. She will then become a Ward of the State and be placed in a suitable facility.
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You don't mention whether or not anyone is proxy under a POA or DPOA. If your mother is cognizant enough to sign one, one of the siblings should be appointed proxy (not the sibling who apparently coerced execution of the Deed.)

Then take action on your mother's behalf and see an attorney. Assuming she doesn't have the resources, try to get help from a pro bono attorney. Contact your local and state bar organizations or research on their websites to find links to pro bono attorneys.

These are free, gratis attorneys who help people in need, w/o payment.
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