My husband has Lewy Body Dementia and has been prescribed Risperidone to calm his behavior because he gets agitated especially in the afternoon. He takes it out on the caregiver by being belligerent. I'm hesitant to have him taking any medication unless it is really helpful and doesn't cause side effects that are worse than the behavior being treated. Has anyone had experience with this drug and their loved one?
This is quite a common medication and is frequently given. I would say with any medications that altar brain activity it requires starting slow and monitoring closely. I have never seen in all my long career a death due to starting this type of medication, but I have seen MANY falls, many people turned into automotons with little emotional affect at all.
So it bears monitoring carefully.
You will find a lot of medication information for this particular commonly used medication online.
There is often no choice but to use these medications; only you and the doctors can know if you are "there" yet.