
How do you tell someone that they have dementia? Especially when they believe that they do not. Is it best to get a prognosis from the Dr ? And if so what kind? My family, whom doesn't spend 24/7 w her like I do don't believee me BC they aren't seeing her forget or see her walk out of the bathroom w just her diaper on to the kitchen table. She can carry on a conversation just fine. But I need to tell her 10 times a day not to bring a glass into rooms w tile. Phone rings. I have caller id on TV screen. She tells me every time it rings and every time I tell her the same thing. I know its ringing. I can see who's calling. If I want yo pick it up I will. This happens 10 times a day..... I don

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I don't like to speak about it in front of him. I don't want him to worry about it. I try to make him happy all the time even though he doesn't recognize me as his daughter.
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I don't like to speak about it in front of him. I don't want him to worry about it. I try to make him happy all the time even though he doesn't recognize me as his daughter.
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