I recently read online that Namenda - the drug that slows the progression of dementia - only really actively works for - on average - between 6-12 months. After that, it doesn't do much.
I have found this to be true from our experience with it.
It is also pretty expensive.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this drug?
Mom has been taking it 4 years now, and honestly, it's not making a difference in progression anymore.
Both of these meds may slow the rate of deterioration in some individuals for up to 2 - 3 years. For some they do nothing and/or cause side effects.
The course of Alzheimer's is variable. It is thought that people blessed with great intelligence have tremendous cognitive resilience which accounts for a relatively slow decline. However, when the downward spiral starts, it moves relatively quickly. That is where my wife is now. No meds can do anything good for her anymore. Routine practice is to remove these meds when the pace of deterioration picks up which may be well beyond the initial benefit period. Alzheimer's is ruthless illness for patents in general and for my girlfriend of 53 years in particular. I hope these comments have been helpful.
Was your husband fastidious, well-organized, or otherwise super precise? We are all different and have unique strengths. That's why I am bothered by people making strict, exclusive, and global pronouncements about people, illnesses, and treatments.