
I am caregiver for my 84 year old wife who has some dementia and is unable to walk because of weakness. She is also incontinet for urine and bowel movements. Sometimes, the feces cover her vaginal area and triggers another UTI. Right now we are in the hospital because her bacterial infection is now in her blood. She will be released today but will need to continue the IV antibiotic drip for two to six weeks to be sure her heart is clean. Is there any way to protect her vaginal area from contamination?

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Think about getting some sort of bidet for the home toilet. If she can't reach her backside properly, at least she could spray it clean. I got the Aquaus faucet bidet for my sister and she loved it.
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I get my MIL D-Manose tablets and she has not had a UTI since she starting taking it over 9 months ago.

I order it via Amazon online for the best price.

She used to have UTIs constantly.

But be warned that the tablet is quite big so the powder form might be a better plan.

Good luck!
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Can you get her to the restroom at all to sit on the pot? You need help. It is a lot to handle, but keeping her clean. Do you have a shower seat? Calmoseptin, is an ointment, you have to ask the pharmacist, but it is overcounter. You do not need a prescription for it, but you have to ask pharmicist. Ask her doctor and pharmacist for more answers.. Look on this websit elder care, etc....
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I have been using AZO tablets on mom for several months now. They promote cleanliness in the urinary tract and equal to 1 glass cranberry juice per tablet. Mom has not had a UTI since. They can be found in the woman's section of most stores. Of course, cleanliness is a must. Hope it helps.
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My mom has neurogenic bowel/bladder. Very susceptible to UTIs. She takes an herbal supplement called Dmannos. It comes in a capsule or powder. The powder works best for her. She hasn't had a UTI since she started taking it.
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if you use a liner inside the pad around the anal area it should contain the fecal matter, so it doesn't spread to the virgina. Have used them as a nurse. They work really well. Not sure where you would buy them for adults. I purchased the ones in baby's section near disposable pads.They are thin like a chuck but softer. It may be the best time to also give her a shower or better still bath (after cleaning worst off). otherwise using wipes is the best thing with a little soap (or alternate). Be sure to clean front area to back until completely clean. The process should be attended to as soon as you are aware of the bowel motion. If she has a regular routine for bowels (most people in morning) try to toilet her at that time allowing time for her to 'sit'.
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HOMECARE1 continued,
Movement will help too. If all your wife can do is stand up and sit back down then have her do a few reps three or four times a day, any movement is better than none and can make a world of differance. Good luck and bless you
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I agree with the cranberry tablets (from CVS). also have a bottle of DMannos but never used it. 89 year old Mom has not had a UTI in 8 months now, was having them every month for a while. I stopped pushing mega glasses of water and a bath every day--just caused a lot of stress--also getting her off some bad drugs changed her to where the doctor says he sees no dementia. Her last UTI went septic and was in the hospital for several days and then a nursing home for several weeks, which was a break for me, but doctor there was not very in to natural remedies or even encouraging, I suppose he sees too many .
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My mom had a series of seven uti's in about ten monhs. Her symptoms ranged from a back ache to stroke symptoms, garbled speech and couldn't walk. Her geriatrician finally referred her to a urogynecologist that put her on a drug cocktail that has stopped the uti's. It is now more than a year since the last uti.

My mom has had chronic diarrhea aa long as I can remember. I think the uti's were causes by insufficient cleaning so also talkes with her doctor about somehow controlling the diarrhea. The doc had her start taking a probiotic, we use Walgreens "Super Probiotic". That works very well to control the D, sometimes too well. In the past six months an ER visit was required because of, for lack of a better name, constipation. I think her brain is not transmitting the signal to her on having to push to have a bm. You see, for years a bm for mom was even less strenuous than turning on a water faucet. The stool consistency after receiving enemas in the hospital was certainly nothing to be constipated about! I hope we do not end up having to stop the probiotic! That is another problem entirely.

And we had my mom on a cranberry supplement and the real unsweetened cranberry juice. About six months ago the urinary frequency had increased significantly. Up to three times in five or ten minutes. Back to the urogynecologist who told me to stop the cranberry juice and supplements as they can cauae the frequency symptoms that we were experiencing. With cranberry stopped, frequency returned to normal.

Good luck, it is a very tricky and risky infection to try to keep up with!
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Oh yea! Those bacteria love sugar, even more than you do! I haven't had a soda in years, never add sugar to anything. And offspring of a crazy woman that used to put sugar on her tomatoes until I got here!
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