
I'm a 66-year-old male. While the caregiver was away I changed my bedridden mothers (87) poopy/runny diaper. It was all over including her front privates. I was wigged out and felt really uncomfortable. She was as well and almost crying telling me she was sorry I was having to change her. I'll just be short and to the point. I never want to change her diaper again. Am I wrong?

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Hey Rain, hope all is well this morning. Well. . . who in their right mind (except if they have some rather unsavory fetish) wants to change a dirty diaper be it on their parent or any other adult. So you're not wrong in that regard. It's nasty business all around. And while having assistance is extraordinarily helpful, sometimes it's going to happen that you're the person who has to pitch in when there are accidents. Had to help out my dad. Was it uncomfortable? Well, it wasn't fun and it was awkward. OTOH, there was no one else there to do it and it had to get done. So, I stepped back and looked on the episodes clinically. I really would rather not have had to do that, but sometimes ya' just gotta' do what ya' gotta' do. But no, you're not wrong.
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I’m a 60s mother now 96…If you are unable/unwilling to do this part of the job…& it does get to be a job…then you need 24/7 home caregivers or have her placed in facility. It’s no easier for daughters to do it either. The one thing you have to keep in mind…home caregivers don’t always show have to cover for them. matter if you have “plans “ to do other things or not. One time..I gave my mother senekot because she didn’t go in a few days…& it came out super messy & went out of diaper & up her nitegown…well, I wasn’t gonna take that over her hair & head…so I took sizzors & cut her nitegown & threw away…then changed everything…bed sheets, gave her bed bath…& bought her new nitegown to replace one I had to get rid yes, it does indeed get messy & nauseous 🤮.
Hugs 🤗
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Nope, you are not wrong to feel that way. I am a female, and I had to clean up and change my MIL a few times. The first time I did it, I was pretty sure that I suffered a bit of PTSD. It was something that happened suddenly, and I was glad to be able to stomach it and help my hubby and BIL (no sisters and BIL is not married). But....I don't ever want to do it again. So, I can only imagine how uncomfortable you felt as a male doing that for your mom. God bless you as you get her personal care figured out moving forward.
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MargaretMcKen Oct 28, 2023
Something tells me that he wouldn't have gone much better "as a male doing it for his father", either. But perhaps it will change. Young fathers have learned how to push prams and change nappies now, which they used not to do.
No you aren't wrong, but I will tell you frankly that in most cases daughters feel the same about changing their mothers. And mother's feel the same about daughters. And husbands feel the same about changing diapers for wives and wives are as distraught as your mother was about you. Sp you and your mother are not alone in your grief.
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There are two issues here. If you don’t want to do it (and no-one enjoys it), use some of the suggestions already made – carers, care facilities etc.

But the other issue is that you are “a 66 year old male”. Unless you have had an unusual life, you know exactly what women look like ‘down there’, just the same as most women know about male bodies. There is no reason why gender makes it more difficult to do the job. It’s a cop-out.
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Beatty Oct 28, 2023

I am female. This does not mean I can perform cleanup tasks better or easier than a male (as told by numerous males, oh don't get me started - are my hands shaped differently..?)

BUT, I 100% support it is OK for the OP to not want to do this.
I also 100% acknowledge if he (& Mom) feel uncomfortable, this is completely valid.

I have not felt comfortable cleaning up my relatives (done when no other options were available) but got the job done, no fuss. BUT, going forward, this is not what I will sign up for as a regular occurance.

For many, this is the big line in the sand. Between care at home *working* to *no longer working*.
Why would you be "wrong" for not wanting to change your mother's briefs with stool in them? I'm quite certain that I couldn't do it bc I have a weak stomach and a bad gag reflex. I'd wind up having to clean up my OWN mess in addition to hers!

Don't look for reasons to be The Bad Son, ok? Hire more in home caregivers or think about placement now for mother. That doesn't make you a Bad Son either. We all have our limitations and we SHOULD!
Helpful Answer (9)
Lovemom1941 Oct 28, 2023
Same here! I’d make a bigger mess, that’s just life. I also agree that not wanting to do these things has no bearing on what kind of son or daughter you are, the love that took over when necessary does though.
Raining - you should NOT be changing mom's poopy diapers. Just a hard NO on that one. To ensure that you never are in a position to have to deal with that again, make sure that you have 24/7 coverage at home or find somewhere else for her to live.

When my mom lived with me, this was a showstopper for me. I never, thankfully, had to do what you did. She had the flu one time and was so out of it from the fever that she had some accidents. I was so grossed out, I was trying not to cry or puke. I owe my husband BIG for helping me with this. Luckily it was that one time but it was on my agenda to push the button on finding her somewhere else to live. Dementia brought that about first, thankfully.

Best of luck.
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anonymous1732518 Oct 28, 2023
Lady in the facility did not want to be changed. She called the aide a "f'in b****". this morning. Not intentionally funny times
I could be wrong, but I get a sense that at age 66 and living with your Mom, there might be a disability that requires you to have a case worker or an advocate. Maybe Mom was your POA, rep-payee, advocate or care-taker up until she herself needed a caregiver?

Maybe neither one of you can live independently at this time, and need more help. And not just help with diapers. You will need a plan going forward for when your Mom is not fully capable to contribute to your needs. Has that time arrived? Get help for you to be able to maintain a suitable lifestyle going forward. Call a special needs attorney? Talk to extended family, or a pastor?

Contact your caseworker; talk to Mom's aide or the agency that sent her; or call Adult Protective Services (APS).
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Raining Oct 28, 2023
I own my home in the same city. She has a care taker but they were running late so I was filling in when the accident happened.
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No, you’re not wrong. Mom needs to get an aide.
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Your mother is bedridden, she needs to be in a skilled nursing facility.
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anonymous1732518 Oct 28, 2023
Truthfully, she can curse out the aide(s) changing and cleaning her; the aides can't "fight" back
No, you are not wrong. What you are attempting to do is hurting both of you. Start looking for a good facility where mom gets 24/7 care by professionals. It's time. Then you can go back to being her helpful supportive adult child and friend.
Helpful Answer (4)
anonymous1732518 Oct 28, 2023
Fawnby 😆. The section I'm in the majority of residents need changing.

Nice the aides wait until they're outside the room to discuss this.
You mention that your mom is bedridden. Does that mean she cannot stand to transfer from wheelchair to toilet? Just in case that's an option... I recently posted about the helpfulness of a bidet. You'll still need wipes for the stuff that smears, but the bidet spray can then get up into the privates--and it sounds like those are the parts you felt most uncomfortable cleaning. The bidet is new, but we've already had two wet-poop-in-briefs incidents where it really did help a lot with cleanup.

Bidet or not, to put your mother more at ease, you might share your own pooping stories. I may be off base, but I'm pretty sure everyone has at least one of these, if from nothing else than from a food-poisoning incident.

I will sometimes remind my mother of my own poop woes in my 20s when I had a fissure that took months to heal. Which means I had to go to a proctologist and have a stranger's finger go up my butt. Anyway, I repeat this charming story to my mother just to lessen the "dirt shame" a bit.  

As the popular book title has it, "everyone poops." It's a discomfiting part of the human condition (maybe because it forces us to confront our animal nature and mortality). From the perspective of a species that doesn't poop there would likely be little distinction between what the able-bodied do every day and what the ailing do into briefs. It's all a rather messy and comical business. 

Good luck and take care.
Helpful Answer (1)
anonymous1732518 Oct 28, 2023
Funny you mention this. Lady across from the room was "yelling" about laying in her own s***.

Good for her her calls to DON get results. Now when she hits her call light, she gets practically instant assistance.
My friend, I'm sure your mother didn't relish changing your "poopy/runny" diapers in the days prior to your life as a member of the potty-trained community.

The fact that at the age of 66 you still use the term "poopy" is petty ridiculous.
No, you should not be changing your mother's diapers, but unless she has 24 hour caregivers or is in a nursing home you may have to. That's part of the price family has to pay when they keep an incontinent, diaper-dependent elder at home.

I was an in-home caregiver for 25 years. I have wiped more ancient can and could probably make a mountain to rival Everest with the countless adult diapers and pull-ups I've changed over the years.
It never gets less nasty no matter how many you've changed.
Helpful Answer (6)
anonymous1732518 Oct 28, 2023
Maybe "poop pants" is better.
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My husband has been talking to a male coworker about our situation with caring for my mom in her home, because this person just went through a parallel situation. The coworker and his brother took care of their mom at home as long as they could, until she started needing depends. This was very uncomfortable for all parties and mom soon moved to a skilled nursing facility. There is no right or wrong. They just surpassed their comfort level and had to make a change. A lot of relief came with this decision.
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BurntCaregiver Oct 28, 2023

I find in my long experience as an in-home caregiver that incontinence was a top reason for why families placed a senior LO.

No one wants to put someone in a nursing home. Sometimes it's the only way.
When caregiving you do care that reaches your level of comfort.
Now that level of comfort does / can change.
I am sure that your mom's discomfort was increased by your level of discomfort.
As you become more comfortable with the task you will treat it just as any other task.
If you have to do this again try the following
Talk to mom and if you can look at HER, make eye contact.
Try not to make faces or sounds indicating your displeasure/dislike for what you are doing. (don't apologize, you have nothing to be sorry about)
Get everything you need before hand gloves, a brief, any cream or lotion you are using, warm moist cloths, wipes, absorbent pad.
If mom is sitting on the toilet, if you need to change bedding get that ready.
If mom is bedbound watch a few videos on changing someone in bed.
If you can keep her covered as long as you can, remove any fecal matter with the "brief" (aka "diaper") so you have less to remove with a wipe.
Use a warm wet, not soaking wet, cloth first. (have a couple handy) Then use a wipe.
Apply any cream that you use by patting it on not rubbing it in and use far less than you think. The more you put on the more difficult it is to remove later.

To prepare you for next time observe the regular caregiver and watch how she does it. Tell her that you would like to learn how she does the task so efficiently.
(make sure she knows how much you appreciate what she does for mom.)
Helpful Answer (2)
BurntCaregiver Oct 28, 2023

It may be time for facility placement to be considered. Incontinence, diaper-dependency, and inability to handle going to the bathroom independently (needing to be wiped or washed) is a top reason why families place an elderly LO in care. Many, many families choose placement and they are not wrong.
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If you're not wanting to ever have to change her diaper again, then you best either hire more caregivers for your mother(with her money of course)or have her placed in the appropriate facility where there will be 24/7 care and her diaper will get changed any time she needs it.
I would NEVER want my son to have to change my diaper if and when the day comes, and I've made it perfectly clear to both my son and daughter that when that day comes I want to be placed in some type of facility where my care will be on the facility and not on my children.
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Hothouseflower Oct 28, 2023
Me too.
My husband did it for his mother for years. He said it was horrible at first but he got used to it. There were caregivers most of the time but there were times when it was only him around and there was no choice.

I haven’t had to do it yet for my mother and hope never to have to.
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No. It can be in uncomfortable and is not for everyone.
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BurntCaregiver Oct 28, 2023

It is not for anyone. No one enjoys wiping a$$ or changing diapers.
It's understandable when families place a LO over it though. Especially when the person is living in their house. Families should not be expected to have a home that smells like crap and pee all the time.
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Nope. You're not wrong. I am female and had to change my aunt's depends. She dropped a load right in front of me. I had never done this for my mother or father. I don't want to do it again.
Can you get a caregiver to assist?
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BurntCaregiver Oct 28, 2023
They have a caregiver. They weren't at the home,
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