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What have they said? I would think that as long as you are willing to vacate the space, their inability to allow that to happen would relieve you of the responsibility to continue to pay the rent.
See what they are proposing. Possibly they have maintenance people who could move the furniture to a waiting truck. That way, no new people are introduced to the facility.

Do you know of a current resident who could use the furniture until movers can be arranged? Just to get it out of the room you are trying to vacate.

If they refuse to let you vacate the room AND they still want to continue to charge you, I'd get a lawyer to write a letter expressing your intention to stop payment as of the date you wanted to move out.
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JoAnn29 Apr 2020
If this is an AL its like having an apt. You have a lease for a year. Moms had 30 day notice. Just like an apt, if you leave your stuff behind, you can be made to pay rent until u get it out.
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Nelly, once the required notice to vacate has been presented to the facility, chances are since outside movers are not allow in at this time, that the facility's maintenance personnel could move the furniture to a storage area within the facility. Then later, after the C-19 calms down, you may be able to retrieve your items.

You need to discuss all aspects with the Administrators. And get things in writings.
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Under the circumstances I think you should just stay where ur until this Virus thing is over. Your facility must be in lockdown, as such, the facility cannot allow movers in. Where are u going to go?

I would say as long as your furniture is left in the room, you will need to pay the rent on it.
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