
Just moved my husband to a memory care facility a week ago. On the 3rd day, I was told that a female resident became infatuated with my husband and she always wants him next to her and even tried to get him to sleep in her room. While I was at the facility visiting my husband this female resident was hovering and following us wherever my husband and I went. She was doing hand gestures telling my husband to come to her. The staff were trying to get her to stay away but she kept coming back she really wanted my husband to go and sit with her. What is the facility's responsibility in this situation? I'm afraid that she would ask my husband to have sex with her. She is quite aggressive. What do I need to do? I don't want my husband be taken advantage of by this aggressive female resident.

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I hate to say this, and you probably will not want to hear this (or see in this case)
This is common.
We ALL have a need for intimacy. That can mean just touching, holding hands, hugging not necessarily sex.
The facility can try to keep her away while you are visiting but they will probably do nothing if you are not there.
If this truly bothers you you can ask to have him moved to another area of the building if the facility is large enough or transfer him to another. But most likely it will happen again.
If he is indicating that it is a problem, if he moves away, is fearful then the facility can do something. But if he does not seem to be upset they will probably do nothing
Helpful Answer (13)

Grandma1954 is correct. This is quite common.
Prior to removing your husband did you speak with administration?
What did they tell you?
Helpful Answer (4)
jst123 Mar 2022
He just moved in to the facility a week ago
The mc might honor your restrictions on this resident as they need to keep the person paying the bills happy.

But seriously most men in this situation will find themselves outnumbered 10 to 1 by females who want to, basically go steady.
Helpful Answer (7)
jst123 Mar 2022
I hope so..i plan on talking to the director tomorrow
My daughter worked in NHs and this is common. They no longer have filters. Is there a place more private that you and husband can go to. Is there an AL side that you can go to and sit in their common area.

My GFs mother walked into her husband kissing another women. She was very aware that this happens but it still upset her. My daughter had a couple that thought they were married. They both had spouses that visited. Daughter said if you tried to separate them they got very upset.

I would request that they don't incourage this woman. Redirect her when she gets too near your husband. Maybe its because he is new. Another guy comes in and her attention will revert to him. You really can do nothing when ur not there. When ur there, though, you have a right to a time with you husband without interference. Have you looked this lady in the eyes and tell her "he's my husband". Not that it will work but it might. If this woman upsets him, then definitely the staff needs to redirect her.
My Mom didn't like men after her Dementia. Not even a male nurse so I request only female nurses were to see to her.
Helpful Answer (9)
jst123 Mar 2022
Thank you! I will definitely tell the facility director about my concern.
I listened to a lecture by someone whose wife was in mc. He visited regularly. Once when he came to visit she introduced him to her new boyfriend. She just didn't remember she was married. It's never fun but it's the disease. I have never watched the teepa snow videos but she probably addresses this situation.
Helpful Answer (6)

I would beyond highly HIGHLY encourage you to be very proactive & specific (as to date time and the lady’s actions and gestures) in your concerns and do this verbally and then in writing as a follow up to the DON (Director of Nursing at the facility who is imo the ruler & goddess of the place). And ask if the MC has a “sexual expression policy” & yes this an actual thing!

You want it on the record that the lady is aggressively seeking out your hubs (mention with sexually suggestive gestures if that is happening) and that redirecting her did not solve the problem when it was done in your presence. Here’s why, should something happen, eg they are found “in flagrante delicto”, and both families are made aware and her family objects to their mom being sexual or refuses to accept that she is sexual, they are going to blame someone. Consent when there is cognitive issues is a grey area. And if her family want to blame someone it’s going to be your hubs; and your husband can be written up or even charged with sexual assault. Him not her. Should anything like that be in his chart he will be toast on getting into another facility. You want to be in front of this ever happening and that what the letter to the DON does.

Yes I know not only are you dealing with having to see the changes in him and being overwhelmed and now this to deal with, but please please get in front of this cause if it goes beyond bad, the likelihood is he’s going to be blamed not her.

And when you have his care plan meeting (tends to be around 4-6 weeks after entry and if any of his care is covered by Medicare billing, a care plan meeting is required and done regularly) your bring this up and bring a copy of the letter to the DON as you are going to attach it to his file. At the end of the care plan meeting you will be asked to sign off on a page that states that it was held, care reviewed and your all ok with his care and asked to sign a document. Above the signature line there is a space ( maybe 3 blank lines) for you to write in your concerns. You can bring in a copy of the DON letter, mention in the comment space as per attached letter to DON regarding sexual expression issues on 4.4.2022 and then ask letter to be attached. Or if you’re a take no prisoner personality, you take out your mini stapler and attach it yourself. It’s a solid proactive CYA for hubs.
Helpful Answer (24)
jst123 Apr 2022
Thank you so much for this info.. i will definitely take action.
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Keep in mind, as dementia progresses, the mind regresses. She may think she’s a teenager, seeing the cutest boy in school. My Mama was a teenager several times we visited, saying she was going to break up with her beau (her husband) for cheating on her - which he wasn’t - once she even slapped him.
She even had the facial expressions down pat.
Helpful Answer (5)
jst123 Apr 2022
i think you are right. Even the caregivers know what she does for attention, i feel sorry for her but at the same time, it pains me because he is still my husband
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Everything in the facility is imaginary. It seems you want a facility that has separated the sexes like they do at summer camps..............perhaps they do exist.
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jst123 Apr 2022
No ma'm they may not exist. I do not have a problem with male and female all in the same unit. It may be imaginary but if they started having sex , i suppose it wont be imaginary anymore. This female resident is trying to get my husband into her room, and as a wife i just got a little concern that is all.
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jst123: Notify the DON (Director of Nursing) of this inappropriate behavior by this female resident verbally and backed up in writing.
Helpful Answer (6)
jst123 Apr 2022
I went to see the director today and did that. They will notify the family about it and then have them sign an agreement. Thank you
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You need a sit down with the staff and discuss this with them
Helpful Answer (0)
jst123 Apr 2022
I went today and did that, they were all aware that this female resident is aggressive. And the director told me this is not the first time she did this before.
Your husband is the new man in town. In a usually female heavy environment, a new feller is of big interest. (Especially to those ladies who always liked a man at their side).

Staff do have to manage this. I am glad you are speaking to Management.

If both parties are interested, close bonds can be made. However, staff do have to separate others, especially to protect against unwanted attention. People can be managed to be sat apart at meals, attend different activities, sit in different sitting rooms. It is challenging but can be done.
Helpful Answer (1)
jst123 Apr 2022
@Beatty-they promised they will do separate them. After i spoke with the Director, i went in to see my husband for a bit and this female resident kept following us again, i told her "please go back to your seat" and she replied *oh im going o get some water* when she obviously followed my husband right after he stood up to come to me..i am beginning to wonder if she belongs to the memory care because she seems to still know what she is doing. As soon as i sat my husband back in the common living area, this female resident immediately stood up and ask the other resident to switch seat with her so she can sit next to my husband.
J, it certainly seems like the facility informs you when they feel interactions are problematic. But keep in mind that there’s gonna be a ratio of 10 to 1 women there, if not more. He will probably get attention, flirtation, as if he’s the most popular guy in his high school.

He will probably positively respond in accepting more showers and more grooming. He will probably be a favorite to sit next to in Bingo. Hands will likely be held, and furtive kisses exchanged. He may think he’s going steady.

ive thought about what I’d do if h was ever in this situation, and it would be what Justice Sandra Day O Connor did.

She quit the actual Supreme Court to care for her h with alz. First at home, and then a facility became necessary. One day she walks in, and there’s her hubs holding another woman’s hand. She just picked up the other one and introduced herself to hubs new friend. After all, she thought, it was best that he have friends, even if that looked like going steady.

The lady gave up a lifetime SCOTUS appointment to make her hubs happy…for this. It was an exceedingly generous act.

Years passed, and she herself was diagnosed with a dementia, now residing in a facility. If she wants to hold some guys hand, I’d hope the wife would allow that. We have to keep our elders free of rape charges, for sure, but sometimes interaction helps them have some happiness in the dwindling apature of their lives.
Helpful Answer (5)
jst123 Apr 2022
I definitely would love to see my husband happy, it was a hard decision to place him there and i will just feel better if he is happy.

I dont mind anything else, but i cant allow him be taken advantage of by this female resident and i just cant even think about allowing my husband having sex with other woman, alzheimers or not
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