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Once you get guardianship the decisions for her care are now yours. A POA you are usually carrying out the Principles wishes. It will now be what she needs, not what she wants. So if you feel LTC or an AL is what she needs then you can place her there even under protest. To get a guardianship it has to be proven the person can no longer make informed decisions. Read the guardianship paperwork carefully. If there is something u don't understand then ask the lawyer. The State will now be looking over ur shoulder, so keep good records. They are going to want to know how ur spending the persons money. And it must be spent on them. You can't get paid if it not in the paperwork.
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Is the care plan not something that was discussed during your guardianship application?

Did the court not give you any information about your responsibilities as your mother's guardian?

Your profile states that your mother is 57 years old - is she 57, or is that you?

You were awarded guardianship so that you would have the authority to make decisions on your mother's behalf and in her best interests, even if she herself opposes those decisions. You should still try to accommodate her preferences, but you can override them if it's necessary for her welfare.

So, what are her needs, what are the options, what do you think would be best for her?
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You should have received a packet from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Division of Guardianship that outlines the duties as a Guardian and tells you what reports you need to complete yearly and submit to them such as: “Annual Report of Guardian” (a report on the condition of the ward, your Mom); an updated inventory of your Mom’s belongings; an accounting of what money was deposited and paid out from your Mom’s “Guardianship Checking Account”; Bank statements; and other documents required by the state of Kentucky.

I have listed several websites pertaining to the Guardianship. Copy and paste the URL to your web browser.

Also I suggest that you go to the website of “The Kentucky Guardianship Association” as they have information about Guardianship in Kentucky and they also have “The Kentucky Guardianship Manual” a Word Document that you can download from the website.

I hope that this information helps you in determining what your duties are as the guardian for your Mom and how you can best serve your Mom’s financial, health/medical needs.
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In our case the next step was to provide copies to or inform people and businesses, such as banks and doctors that you are the legal guardian. Some may reject it others may require you to complete their in house or corporate forms.

If you need to deal with social security as guardian, be fore warned that SS does not recognize the guardianship. You will need to meet with SS to see what they require. Like having MOM checked out by their doctor and certified as incompetent. I did not have to do this because we had SS web site access established on line and her checks went into our old joint checking account.
And don't forget, DO NOT co-mingle your and her funds. That will be a nightmare on your annual report to separate funds.
A consultation with an accountant or CPA is good on record keeping. You may have been allowed to spend some of her money for her needs. When Luz needed recurring things like her protective underwear, I included that purchase along with everything else we needed to buy and reimbursed myself but I highlighted the items on the receipts and filed the receipts.
Online banking is good to pay recurring bills and statements can be printed to substantiate the claims.
If you are going to be filing and signing her federal taxes, download IRS form 56 and read it carefully. this lets the IRS know what is happening and clears you to sign her returns as guardian. Most tax preparers may not know of this form. Ours did not.
And as I was advised, anything I signed on her behalf I included the phrase "guardian for (insert name)". That would usually stop anyone trying to say that I signed as responsible party and therefore I would be held responsible for paying.
Above all, read the laws in your state and try to understand them regarding guardianship. Don't hesitate to come back here if you need some assistance or support.
I wish you the best of luck taking care of MOM
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