This feeling starts to make me choke & cough to the point my eyes start to water & I lose my voice. I don't know what to do. I live alone & both my children live out of state. It feels at times like my throat is closing up. I saw the best Parkinson's doc in my area. This last time I was with his PA, she felt I was fine & improving but I don't. The weird coughing started a month after I saw her. It's driving me nuts!
Or maybe you have an intolerance to a certain food. Keep a food journal and see if there is a pattern.
Also, if you are taking a new prescription, some medicines can make your mouth very dry. I have that issue with blood pressure pills, so I use a product call Biotene to help keep my mouth moist.
Go to urgent care, ER or back to the prescriber with your medications all in a bag & have someone physically examine the bottles and check for interactions or side effects. Don’t wait.
But of course, if this cough has lingered a month and it isn’t an after effect of having influenza, see your doctor but as others have said before me, there’s a heavy flu season in progress so crowds need to be avoided.