How do you handle a neighbor who comes to your house several times wanting to pay a bill and has be told she has no money till check comes. I have an elderly neighbor who comes down to my mothers house 4 or more times a day asking to use phone to straighten out a phone bill and the problem has been resolved and she will have o money to pay for several days yet she comes back wanting the same thing to call sevral times a day to get her phone back on and will not take no for an answer who do you contact to help this woman she lives alone.
You might also see if your county has a social services department; a social worker might be able to help.
She didn't understand what I had done for her.
Use the words VULNERABLE ADULT with COGNITIVE DECLINE when you talk to any kind of social services person. I did call APS on my mother (anonymously), they visited, and she showtimed her way through it and they did not find her in need of services. Her house looked like a bomb had gone off in there, the rotten food stank to high heaven, as well as the piles of pee-soaked clothes she could no longer get in the washer. Your results will vary by county and county budget for this kind of thing. A lot of these services have been cut way past the bone in recent years, and the county simply doesn't have the ability to save everybody anymore. Especially counties without a wealthy tax base. It's wrong, but that's the way it is.