
My mother has been with me for 7 years and now she said she cannot stay with me anymore, because she thinks my husband wants to kill her ,she didn't say she hearing voices ,just wake up in the morning and ask my husband why are you disturbing me at night please leave me alone . and says my husband spray something in her food that is why she had serious stomach pain, that he spray in her bed ,shoes , cloths. that when she put on the cloths her body icheses sometimes she ask me to try the clothe on ,so I can believe what she is saying I know something is wrong but what I really want to help her ,she left my place and when back to Africa ,I was told she lose more weight and cannot hear very well. insisting that she saw my husband spraying on her .she saw a watch by her bed and said my husband put a knife to kill her,since she donot want to come to my place I am thinking of how to convince her so she can come see her doctor. I told her we are sorry my husband is not going to spray anymore she told the did had been do because she is very sick now. She said the spay is very powerful that the doctors cannot noticed she is so convinced that husband is responsible for all her sick ,she stay indoors most of the time even in after she is always indoors.

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A friend of mine was diagnosed as having dementia with delusions. She was talking to the TV, thought she was being recruited for public service and was convinced she talked to the President who wanted her to send money. The doctor put her on some specific drugs for hallucinations and she is doing much better.
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Oh, the mind of the dementia patient! Phew! Can't rationalize with them. Waste of time!
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Mental illness, most likely. That's sad, to be so old and also psychotic, though dementia isn't much better.

Now, my mother had good old fashioned Lewy Body dementia which accounted for her delusions. She was seen by a neurologist, of course, and that is what he diagnosed. It came on about 2 years earlier, she called and said her grandson was there visiting, just before a holiday. I thought it was odd he was in town and didn't let anyone know, but it was possible he decided to fly in....then she called again and said her grandson just 'left without saying goodbye or anything'. Just disappeared. There one minute, gone the next. And so I thought, oh-oh.....A couple of years later, there were 'people in the house' and all kinds of 'visitors' and my brother 'had a home office right there in her house' - he could only go in through the fireplace, but he was behind that wall working away, typing and sending faxes. My father was 'sneaking in and out of the house at night and taking food out of the refrigerator' but refused to talk to her! Oy!
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My 94 year old mother believes the has been implanted with a device that can cause her pain when "they" want to inflict pain, typically at night. She also believes this implant is a listening device so she often puts a pillow over her abdomen when talking. Full set of labs, xrays, CT scans and nothing. She maintains it's real, doctor has diagnosed her with delusions however she is not aware of that diagnosis otherwise she would be furious. When she starts talking about it, I try to redirect the conversation, per the doctors suggestion.
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It could be the meds, but more likely is that she's got dementia and/or " just" psychosis. In any event, she needs to be seen by a doctor, hope you have access to a qualified psychiatrist to sort out the source of her symptoms and disordered thinking.
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Whatever meds this person is taking have manifested themselves into very bad hallucinagenic thoughts. Seek out why she is acting like this by taking her to a doctor.
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For stomach protection prescribed by her doctor she has been taking it for abt 5years b4 her stomach pain.
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Was she given that for her stomach pain? Who prescribed it?

Destiny it must be really hard for you to be trying to help your mother long distance. Where exactly is she now, and who's looking after her?
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The only medication she is on is omeprazole
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Sounds just like my mom who had Lewy Body Dementia. Good luck.
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I wish someone could give you the answer, since my sister who recently suffered a stroke and ahs been in the hospital many times has been displaying the same symptoms. We also check for UTI and that was ruled out. She thinking I want to kill her with poison, kill everyone in the hospital, taking away her husband she hates me one minute and the next she is sorry. She does however have a liver disease by which she needs to keep her ammonia levels down and is diabetic so there area lot of ongoing issues but the hallucinations, aggression. So what you said rings so true to what her husband and I are gong thru. I wish the very best for you
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My mom keeps misunderstanding things and saying someone said or did something they did not; she is on a pretty high level pain med, so that's probably it for her - is your mom on anything?
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DestinyJones and Joyinthemidst, thank you for your condolences and prayers!
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She had never been checked for mental illness , i am in the uk ,she told me if i want to help her i can take her to any other EU country but not the uk. So me and my husband trying to see how we can work that out.
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NYC 2015. You say she also lost weight. Was that related to the Lewy Bodies?. Has she gained it back? What did you do?
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My condolence monkeydoo .may her soul rest in perfect peace,iwould pray for you.God bless
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Thanks for all the answers its would help.i have to try my best to bring her back so she can see her doctor.i think she is not well ,is not suffering from abused,she used to get so well with my husband, before she would always prefer to go to her Gp with my husband not me.
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Dear Monkeydoo, please accept my condolences. I am so happy that you know where your mom is and have peace with that but I do understand how hard it is on our hearts. I will pray for you. I tried to send you a hug but couldn't get it to work lol
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The weight loss and itching might be diabetes.
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My Mom had dramatic weight loss in her last 2 years. Her internist kept saying everything was old age. I dont have an answer for you, but wanyed to share my experience. My Mom passed away 3 weeks ago. It is easier to be objective now and look back on Moms healrh. I was her live in caretaker for the last 17 months . We lost my younger brother 16 months ago. My Mom went downhill fast after that. She said that i was trying to kill her, that my sons were trying to kill her. We knew it wasn't in anyway true, but it hurt and scared me. Eventually she just quit thinking it. I have no idea why, but she was finally diagnosed with Alzheimers a few months before she passed. I found myself getting irritated with her, but God laid it on my heart to talk to and treat her like a young child. Im so grateful that I did! My Mom had many health issues : diabetes, congestive heart failure, afib, 2 time breast cancer survivor, macular degeneration, you get the picture. I pray that the doctors can help heal your mother and give her the peace that passes all understanding. Please also pray for me, I am devestated, but grateful she has everlasting joy and happiness and peace now.
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It could be a number of things. A urinary track infection can cause all kinds of hallucinations and delusions. It could be dementia or something else. She does need to see her doctor. If you feel that you can't talk to the doctor with her in the room (I could not with my Mother) have the nurse take her out to do something like weight, height, etc to give you some time with the doctor to tell what is going on. The doctor needs to know about this behavior. If ignored it will only get worse and be dangerous for her and you!
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Africa? Maybe it's voodoo. I'm not being funny, in the course of my work experience, I have come across people who believe in it. And they still do, of course! I just saw a horrid documentary featuring a witch doctor in orange polyester pants smoking a pack o' Marlboros. Putting the hoodoo voodoo on someone. It's a real thing - if you believe it, you experience it.
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Mother had a problem 2 nights ago. She is in a Personal Care Facility. She had just had blood work where a UTI would show up but didn't. She is seeing a Dr.'s assistant tomorrow. She is unusually tired. Today Mother napped about 1 hour and then got up and wanted to go for a ride. She is thinking straight again. I used to make sure Mother drank at least 28 ounces of fluids per day, plus another 8 ounces if possible. We kept track of fluids in a measuring cup putting an equal amount of water in the cup as she consumed any beverage. She has had Nurses Aids at night and they did not keep track. We also dropped the ball. Mother does not like drinking fluids. She had a tough time with change to Personal Care from Independent Living and it is harder to keep her spirits up. There were two Government Agencies for the elderly that were brought in to this adjustment time. Their work made some improvements. It is difficult to keep track of fluids when their is chaos. Thank you for bringing this topic up. God Bless
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Has your mother had her hearing tested? If so, and she has a hearing loss, does she wear hearing aids?

If she hasn't had a hearing test, or if she has a known hearing loss and does not wear hearing aids, this is an important step in figuring out the issue. Untreated hearing loss could be the root cause of these symptoms and significantly increases the risks of developing dementia, and can make existing mental issues worse faster. Hearing loss can also mimic many of the symptoms of dementia/alzheimers, so any time a dementia issue is suspected, one of the first steps should be to have a thorough hearing examination. Treating a hearing loss is significantly easier and less costly than treating dementia.
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I really can't add much since everyone has said such helpful things. I just want to say my heart goes out to you and I know you must have suffered so much during these accusations and then her leaving, only to be told she is still losing weight.
My mom started having auditory hallucinations about 6 years ago: a man singing horribly which morphed into a quartet, a big band and now a really bad small group. She would say my husband was playing loud music at night to torment her. She even would wake me up in the middle of the night and say, "don't you hear it?". I would get very upset at first but that was my own fears then I realized that it wasn't as bad as it could easily have been. I even got to laugh because some she liked (the quartet and the big band) and I was grateful that if you had to listen, every night, to music at least it was good. Lol.
What you have been through is terrible. I hope & pray that she can be helped and you can have peace. Luv & hugs
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My mom is 90, and has had a similar experience and it was determined that she had a bladder infection, once that cleared up she was okay. This has happened several times.
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I agree with the previous comments, that it is important to get her to a doctor. That would be the first step. The itching and stomach pains, may need to be checked out. My Grandmother had dementia and live with my Aunt and Uncle. She thought my Aunt was trying to poison her and wouldn't eat anything, my Aunt cooked for her. My step-father also had dementia and complained of abdomen pain. He wouldn't go to the doctors and later found out it was cancer. These are just my experiences, that's why medical attention for your Mother is important to begin to help her. Also, if she's on medication they can cause a change in behavior. Good luck and God Bless you all.
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Does your mother have any previous mental illness? Does she have Parkinson's Disease? It sounds like she is having a delusion about your husband. These kind of fixed, fairly organized delusions can be an indication of several things going on in her brain. The only way you will know what is going on s to have her medically evaluated. Cultural beliefs can also be at play here, and it is important to be sensitive to these.
I would be concerned about her care in Africa as there can be little understanding or treatment available. Her symptoms of stomach pain and skin itching could be symptoms of liver or kidney disease.
She just really needs a very complete medical work up.I think that without this we are all just guessing, as she gets increasing ill. Maybe if you just acknowledge her concerns about being poisoned ( "Yes I know you are worried about that." Or "Those thoughts sound scary".) and then focus on her pain and itching as a reason to see the doctor she would be more likely to go to the doctor.
You are a loving daughter, and I hope you can get the help you need for your Mom. I hope this is helpful.
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If she has Dementia this is part of the disease for many people. My Mom saw strange things and thought there were people in her room as well. Have her checked out by a doctor. There are mobile doctors who will come to you if she won't leave the house.
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Dearie I agree that elderly people are more vulnerable to abuse precisely because, as you say, they are sometimes automatically disbelieved; but in this case? The magic invisible undetectable Death Spray? Mistaking a watch for a knife?

I agree, too, that it's worth checking that she isn't allergic or sensitive to things like laundry detergent, air fresheners and so on; but I wouldn't be too quick to interrogate my husband purely on the basis of what's been described.
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